Saturday 9 February 2013

Snug and comfy-cosy

Wherever I am I love to be snug, comfy and cosy. It’s a known fact about me that I’m completely incapable of sitting normally on a chair. I have to be wrapped up in the strangest looking positions with my legs all tangled and sticking out at funny angles (or at the very least cross-legged). Almost anybody that witnesses me in these positions for the first time will make the comment, ‘surely that can’t be comfortable?’ – yet actually, I am most comfortable when in a knot.

Sitting in a knot is made possible by all-important comfortable attire and it was only the other day that I realised how much more wear I get out of my comfortable clothes this year. My music degree consisted of a maximum of 9 hours of lectures a week, so while the remaining hours may have been spent in pyjamas, clothes for a night out, or of course fancy dress outfits, there were very few occasions where I would be sitting down wearing ordinary clothes! However now that I am enrolled on a degree where I’m sitting through 8 hours of lectures a day instead, comfort is paramount (and knot-enabling leggings are just the thing)!

While comfort comes in the form of leggings, snug and cosy is provided by my trusty scarf and my vintage jumpers (all woolly, all over-sized and all from the 1980s), which I throw over the top of any outfit when the inevitable draught begins to waft through every lecture or workshop! - the sources of my every vintage-jumper need!

I like to be surrounded by my favourite things wherever I am, so will rarely be seen without a ring, one of my favourite bags, my scarf and a jumper! However it is in my bedroom where my obsessions culminate, in a display which has naturally come to form part of the decoration in both my room at home and at university. The ring collection has pride on a shelf in a selection of glass dishes, bags are hung from every handle while necklaces hang from every bed knob and curtain pole, and my jumpers are always draped over the back of a chair or the end of my bed. It was only when I was tidying the other day for the arrival of a friend and went to put a jumper away in the wardrobe that I realised I actually much prefer them lying around. Of course I love to have easy access to them for instant comfort and warmth, but they’re actually really pretty too!  

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