Sunday 2 March 2014

Kyla La Grange, Warpaint & Temples

I began this post on the train to Norwich the week before last, but as usual forgot that going in and out of signal does not lend itself well to writing a blog post, let alone a blog post with links. According to my phone, the original draft is still 'saving', so I thought I'd just start afresh..

In between blasts of Major Lazer & Diplo, a love of whom has been re-kindled by the appearance of new material (who am I kidding? Like the love ever really goes away...), I have mainly had these tracks on repeat lately. Still mourning the loss of my iPod, I have much less room for music on my phone as I am someone who instead likes to clog it up with endless photos (10 points for whoever can guess the subject of the majority of these photos), but I feel like these three artists complement each other rather well, and have thus filled a void over the past two weeks or so.

Kyla La Grange - Heavy Stone.
With the release of her new track 'Cut Your Teeth', I have been rediscovering Kyla La Grange's debut album, Ashes, which I adored when it was first released. This version of this song was the first I heard of her, and I couldn't quite believe it when I realised her music was no longer even on my iTunes (this is what happens when you continuously destroy laptops and so your music collection)! With a voice not too dissimilar to Kate Bush, I think even my own father might enjoy her music if not for the lyrical content. Alongside her music, her Instagram feed keeps me well entertained. Who doesn't appreciate a lady who loves anything psychedelic, pastel or unicorn related? She's my kind of person!

Kyla La Grange - Cut Your Teeth.
I love this video, and I hope that my summer of music festivals ends up looking a lot like it...

Warpaint - Undertow.
I first discovered these ladies on Annie Mac's Winter Warmer 2010 (which I actually linked to way back when in one of my first posts) without even realising it. This song always gets in my head, and it's only when I succumbed to advertising on the Underground that I became aware that I already knew who they were! This track is from The Fool, but I also really love Biggy on their self-titled album. Both albums are definitely worth a listen, I just didn't want to bombard with links!

Temples - A Question Isn't Answered.
I can't quite decide what it is I like so much about this band (they are described as a 'psychedelic rock band'... so maybe I sense a bit of a theme going on here), but I do know that I love their retro (I use this word simply because I wouldn't like to pin them down to one era... I'm sure there is one, I'd just get it wrong) sound, particularly in the rhythm and vocals of this song. It's real soundtrack-to-my-life kind of music, and although I've decided that most of it isn't particularly something I'd listen to in a paying attention kind of way, it's made the perfect back-drop to catching up with friends, shopping and travelling on public transport.

I don't like to do this too often as I don't usually have a particularly strong selling point for why people should be listening to what I am, and I hate to be judged for my 'taste' in music. I just wanted to share what's been playing in my ears lately as it's got to be partly to blame for the brilliant mood I've been in and who doesn't want to be in one of those? Enjoy!

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