Monday 7 July 2014

Friday, Satunday, Sunday

For the past two weekends, I have finally managed to free up time, to the extent that I haven't even needed to know what time it is (taking after my father who has the wonderful tradition of taking his watch off at the weekends so that time is his own). It's been glorious!

This weekend looked a little like this...

Friday night took me to London Zoo for 'Zoo Lates' where we spectacled at tiger cubs, meerkats, a pile of otters, llamas and an overwhelmingly large proportion of all-male groups (who knew men would be the sort to fancy a trip to the zoo on a Friday night?)...

Giraffes are the best. Especially when they go all bendy!
Spot the tropical butterfly...
Saturday was more of a Satunday as I like to call them. I had a bath, spent the entire morning on the sofa catching up with New Girl, played my violin, got householdy bits done, and baked red velvet cheesecake brownies... Nigella eat your heart out.

'Red velvet' cheesecake brownies
(a whole tube of food colouring later and they still looked pretty brown to me).
Sunday was perhaps a little less like a Sunday than it should have been. I don't know whether I felt like I needed to make up for the lack of Saturday the day before, but Sunday certainly went at a slightly less relaxed pace. Went on a shopping mission for next weekend's 40's escapades (watch this space), had lunch in Green Park, finally made it as far as St James' Park, continued on to see Nelson's nose, sat in Trafalgar Square listening to French bands in honour of the Tour de France, got lost again trying to find Belgo for Belgian beers, and then walked home from Dalston for pizza, not a roast. (There was obviously lots of travelling of different sorts in between those locations, unfortunately I can't apparate).

Good weekend if I do say so myself!

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