Saturday 23 May 2015

London detours

Before yet another weekend in Norwich steals the limelight, I thought I'd better catch up on a few recent excursions (one of which came out of buying a new notebook for my writing, so I really have no excuse)!

I finally found Barbican Conservatory! And, oh my goodness, what a magical place! A tropical plant paradise where vines and endless greenery creeps across pipes and spills over balconies, completely transforming the already beautiful concrete jungle. I could have stayed forever (and I'll definitely be back)! I still cannot get over the fact that such a treasure is completely free (cynic in me says it won't be forever)!

Bank Holiday Monday in general was a beautiful day! I realised that to avoid the masses in London (and this is going to seem obvious), head in the opposite direction! To be fair, I started off at the Tower of London for the 62-round gun salute to mark the royal birth, but that was a good sort of busy! From there I then walked to Barbican through deserted streets; bliss! Very few people are aware of the Conservatory. Certainly no one I've spoken to had heard of it (alas, now I've given the game away...) so once I reached it, I was glad to find stillness and peace!

From a relaxing Bank Holiday weekend to an equally lovely weekend just gone. On Friday night I ventured into Putney where we found a very sweet, Norwich-esque bar-restaurant. Great food, Earl Grey gin (!) and a sign stating 'no hipsters allowed', I was in love! I hope to return to Putney to explore a little more on sunny days and warm evenings!

A leisurely dog walk on Saturday morning, then I took myself on a slight (huge) detour on the way home...

In need of a new notebook (my previous two have been wasted on 'To Do' lists which I've decided is sacrilege and will not happen again!), I stopped off at Muji at Sloane Square. Having perused stationery and random bits for the bathroom, I suddenly had an urge to take photos so I headed off to find London's answer to the Flatiron building which I'd once passed but been unable to catch a good angle of. Turns out it wasn't anywhere near Sloane Square so I wandered for more than a while...

On my way I did pass some beautiful buildings though, so I was more than content, especially as the sun was shining!

Found it!

Sunday morning, this happened... say no more. (Well, I probably should say though that I ran with fellow teachers and children from our school in the School's Challenge so I didn't actually do the whole race, despite what the medal says!)

It did actually instil in me a much greater respect for runners, I admit.

Now the weather is improving I am finally venturing out lots more again and falling back in love with the city! Half term has arrived then it's just 7 and a half weeks until a summer of nothingness; bring it on!