Monday 27 July 2015

Bought a Boston Fern

Finally it has stopped raining (at least for now) so I have found motivation to explore and so to write!

This summer, rather than trying to summarise a huge number of events into a couple of long, rambly posts, I have decided to provide snippets here and there when anything of interest crops up. With no plans to go away, I am spending my 6 weeks here in London (with, I'm sure, a smattering of Norfolk in between) armed with a hearty 'To Do' list which realistically is far more likely to take me an entire year from now to cover than the month and a bit I have. But I can try...

Five days into my holiday, I'm not entirely sure whether or not I've really started to make the most of it, or in fact even realised it's happening. Like a rusty, cobweb-covered lawnmower from the Victorian period hidden at the back of my Grandfather's shed, my being in 'holiday mode' always takes a while to start up.

So far a few rainy days have been well spent cleaning and organising both at home and at work and I've even managed to catch up with a couple of friends! Already, I've managed a London escape for a day of outlet shopping and boat watching in Portsmouth but until today, my list has remained untouched.

What began today as one of the days I was spending at work has actually turned out rather well indeed!

Craving mint tea on my home I stumbled upon a café/bar/restaurant (hard to tell in the daytime) called Hackney Bureau (on Mare Street), serving fresh mint tea and playing jazz. Although I was only planning on  a takeaway tea, I was lured in by the atmosphere; the perfect place for creativity! When I arrived there was lone gentleman who looked to have a similar agenda to me and a young couple partaking in brunch or lunch (I suppose it all depends when one wakes up). Shortly after they were gone and I was alone and feeling incredibly intent. Holiday mode must have officially revved into gear! 

It was then my intention once tea and writing were done to walk along Regent's Canal to Haggerston where I could then hop on a bus home for a bite to eat before drinks, games and gossip with good friends this evening. Having had really rainy days of late, I have decided that every dry one (sunshine or no sunshine) must be relished! 

Popcorn graffiti along the canal

Before I'd reached the café/bar/restaurant, I paid a visit to Grace & Thorn on Hackney Road, a sweet florist offering a plethora of house plants. Having followed them on Instagram for some time, I had neglected to realise that the shop was actually one I had passed and peeked into on many occasions but today upon making the connection, I went in!

Lots of cash has been splashed on all things garden related lately, so I thought I'd better be good and just look. However, when I happened upon £10 on the pavement on my journey there, I took it as a sign and returned home with a beautiful Boston Fern in a pretty pot for the bathroom.

Meet Mr Fern!

So today, one list item has been checked off and one added for a food stop. Today is a good day; happy summer!

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