Sunday 17 April 2016

Taking great pleasure

Today I opened my diary to 'pencil [something] in', as they say, and I realised I actually hadn't written in it for a long time. Usually when this happens it means I've been rubbish at keeping on top of everything so I flicked back and forth through the pages to see what I'd missed, only to find that I'd just not used it in so long because I didn't need to! It felt pretty good when it dawned on me that I've obviously been doing such a good job of relaxing lately.

Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium was worthy of breaking up the nothingness...

The final week of the Easter holiday was so empty it was almost a crime. But you know what? I was like a nesting bird which seems totally appropriate given the time of year and I took great pleasure in all the little things.This weekend I've mainly been at home again, catching up on school and uni work (although I'm having a break right now as my eyes can only read so many long words before they go all squiffy). The first week of the new half term was actually a little more than bearable and the sun has been shining lots which always does wonders for my mood.

It has felt a tiny bit sad that I've just been admiring sunshine from inside my bedroom today, particularly as it doesn't manage to shine through my window but I know that I'll more than more than make up for it when I can. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's appreciating all the little things around me. I'm in a very grateful mood today so I thought I'd share those things I've been taking simple pleasure in.

I take great pleasure in home comforts.

My birthday brought with it money to spend on dainty house-plants which look beautiful and bring the outside in even on those days when I can't really afford myself the time to leave the house. Another of my favourite things about home is the way the sun comes through the blinds in the living room, particularly if there's a cat curled up beside me and I've got candles or incense burning all around. If focus is required, I love how my bedroom becomes the perfect workspace despite a lack of desk; pillows propped up against the wall, my laptop upon a hat box, cup of tea on my bedside table, fairy-lights on, it's all very carefully thought out. And if in those squiffy-eyed moments I want to avoid the glare of a laptop screen I either escape to the sofa or the garden (weather depending) where I've been feeling really creative; drawing, colouring and reading the first of my birthday books.

I take great pleasure in discovery.

I've felt incredibly posh of late as for the past two Saturdays I've admired art whilst sipping Prosecco. Last weekend I was fortunate enough to attend the open studio of Anna Laurini whose 'faces' are cropping up all over the streets of London and beyond then last night was a late night event at the National Portrait Gallery for the Vogue 100 exhibition which was just stunning. Upon various weekend wanders I've also found a fair few new favourite pieces of street art. I must look bordering on crazed whenever I travel anywhere whether by foot, by bus or train as my eyes are always on the lookout for anything of interest be it colourful, pretty or with a message I like.

I take great pleasure in sunshine and longer days.

Basking in its heat has made lunchtimes this past week truly energising. I've even taken my cardigan off on occasion! Not only does it make me warm, it makes me smile and it makes the garden grow which is incredibly exciting. Some of our bulbs got a real shock when we had that tease of warm weather which suddenly took a turn for the worse but the ones that held on beneath the soil are now coming into their own. It's a real marvel to be able to open the door in the evenings upon my return home from school and to find some new change in the garden almost every day.

Spring, you've been wonderful so far!

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