Sunday 24 February 2019

Signs of Spring

The beginning of this week feels like forever ago. I'd like to suggest that such a statement is a sign of a half term very well spent. Like with last February half term, I've actually been walking a lot (surprise, surprise). Unlike last February half term, however, the weather has been glorious for the most part, so I've made sure to get plenty of doses of Vitamin D.

My holiday this year actually began a day early, on the Friday. An extra day gave me time to prepare for the arrival of Ma and Pa for a weekend stay, and also led me on a new walk from Hammersmith to Barnes along yet another new stretch of the Thames Path. As I wandered through a wooded path, looking across the river at only a handful of buildings, I definitely felt like I'd escaped the City. I also found myself a new reservoir, and got a little lost on Barnes Common resulting in very muddy shoes. Sign of an excellent wander, I felt!

Unfortunately the weekend then offered very little sunshine (apart from on Sunday, when we were mostly inside enjoying a pub roast at the Pig & Whistle), but instead thick grey cloud, a little wind, and even some rain. Unperturbed, we took a trip down memory lane and along the river to Putney on the Saturday, around Wimbledon Park on the Sunday, and into Richmond on the Monday. We saw the tide at both its highest and lowest that I've ever seen it before, and made our way a little further down the river at Richmond than I have before, to Richmond Lock and Weir.

On Tuesday, I met up with an old colleague, and good friend. Stuart and I walked from Waterloo along the South Bank, headed for a new rooftop garden that had opened only a day or so before. The Garden at 120 Fenchurch Street was a very pleasant alternative to the neighbouring Sky Garden. Lower down, you're amongst the buildings as opposed to looking down on them. It's open air, too, and yet the surrounding glass provides a barrier against noise pollution from below. I definitely want to return with my book. The peace was surreal, and quite the contrast from the hoards also walking along this particular stretch of the Thames.

Wednesday I chose to go into school for some much needed organising. I walked to and from in the sunshine, and left feeling very accomplished.

Thursday was my first proper chance for a lie-in. I took full advantage of this, and had a much slower day. Never one to waste sunshine, however, I headed out for a shorter walk in the early evening as the sun began to set. Having already headed in the direction of Putney earlier in the week, I dragged Paul in the direction of Battersea. We didn't get that far, for fear of the light disappearing, and there was a short stop as I geeked out over a helicopter taking off from the London Heliport.

I made my first journey on the Overground in what felt like forever on Friday. I still can't quite get over the contrast between East and South West London, so was grateful to be headed back to Hackney for a haircut and a lunch date. It was lovely to wander in and out of vintage shops, and past many a graffitied wall.

This weekend has been the first in about 3 weeks that we haven't had any guests to stay. Yesterday we did our fair share of socialising, but today has been all about lazing around for a proper PJ day. We've done a little organising here and there, in between sitting on the sofa with several cups of tea.