Sunday 26 January 2020

Finding light in January

Yes my body is still exhausted (although having written that first line a few weeks ago, I'm pleased to report that over the last week or so my legs have actually felt a lot lighter walking to and from school). Yes the sky has generally been far too grey and gloomy. Yes I would happily return to the Christmas Holidays with their comfy-cosiness and total lack of responsibility. But actually, January's not been so bad this year. I've been doing my best to find a little light where I can!

Preview image for Zenyth Script
As always, there's been plenty of walking. Whereas the dark after the Summer crept in so fast I barely even noticed the change, in Winter I've been paying close attention to the lighter mornings and evenings, too. Even though it's only a minute or so every couple of days, it's been a nice small thing to celebrate as I walk to and sometimes from school.

In the second weekend of January, Steven and I took a new walk from home to Wandsworth Common. The circuit was pleasant, and took us a little way along the Wandle, some of the way along my usual school route, then up hill at Earlsfield and past many a gorgeous house in what's apparently known as 'the ladder' (although not the Haringey one), and onto the Common itself.

Never one to shy away from a walk, I do find myself walking slightly less in Winter if not only for the fact that there is less light. Leave it too late at a weekend, and you're chasing the sun. So it felt good even in January to feel as though we had a little more time. Yes, the sun was setting as we made our way home, but it wasn't quite dark by the time we made it, and then when it was, we were ready to get comfy-cosy and embrace it anyway.

Today, I've walked from Hampton Station to Hampton Court Palace for a school trip recce. Actually choosing for once to come away from the Thames, instead I took a detour through Bushy Park as I'd never been before. Got fairly soggy on my way home this afternoon in the 'light rain', but I was pleasantly surprised by a short but sweet appearance from the sun this morning.

Preview image for Zenyth Script
I've been practising yoga intermittently since I moved to London. Introduced by my friend Sam, I've had an on-off relationship with it (like with any exercise, really) but recently I've been re-invigorated and have been enjoying a daily practise since the start of December. As is my preference with food, little and often seems to suit me well, and I'm really embracing yoga as part of my morning routine now.

This month I've been following Yoga With Adriene for some yummy at home yoga which means PJs, scented candles, and intrigued cats. Shocking, I know, but I'm pretty fussy when it comes to classes. Temperature, teacher, the playlist, a lack of playlist, smelly yoga mats, lighting, the list of elements that can make or break a yoga class' atmosphere is endless.. But at home, I'm far more content in my little yoga bubble where I can control almost every foreseeable factor.

Even on the mornings when I haven't quite felt up to getting out of bed those 30 minutes early, I've had a little light waiting for me, and it's been really reassuring and just such a good way to start my day.

Preview image for Zenyth Script
For the third year (we think), Sam (of yoga introducing fame) and I went to Canary Wharf for their Winter Lights festival. Ever the optimistic, I felt as though we were in luck because it wasn't so cold as previous years.. but by light installation number 26, and 3 hours later, my numb hands had suggested otherwise.

Numbness aside, it was another beautiful year. And we were so pleased to have actually had time to see every installation this year! Choosing to go in numerical order, we followed the map from 1 through to 26 and loved the theme of reusable materials that seemed to be running through a lot of the installations.

Without the cold driving us to move on, we probably could have stopped and stared at a fair few which had particularly mesmerising qualities. As always, it was a lovely way to spend a Friday night, and the perfect way to find a little extra light in January.

February brings with it a half term, so I'm hoping for a little more adventure, but I'm also determined to stick to my New Year's resolution of taking it slow. Perhaps a slower paced January has also left me feeling a little lighter. Who knows?

Saturday 4 January 2020

Slowly into the New Year

2020 has arrived, and with it a little sunshine at last.

Yesterday's lunch spot.

I've been quiet for a while. Not because I've had nothing to write about, but partly because of a lack of energy and inspiration, and partly because of a lack of time (a bit of a chicken and the egg scenario, if I'm honest).

On reflection, 2019 was a strange year because it was the first in a while where nothing momentous happened. I'm settled in my job. I'm settled in my home. I'm settled in my relationship. I'm settled. And with being settled comes a stupid sense of having not achieved anything; which is ridiculous. It took almost reaching the end of the year to realise a few things. One of these things was as above; relatively speaking, 2019 was a quiet year. Which is fine. Only it wasn't entirely fine, because another thing I realised is that what happened was that I crammed my time full of social events and occasions to make myself feel like I was doing something worthwhile. Which is fine. Only it's not totally fine when you feel completely and utterly shattered by the time December comes around.

So in December, I started to slow down. And while that may sound like leaving it too late, I'm going with the notion that this slowing down is how I'm moving into a New Year. So it's not too late; I just started my resolution a month early.

Is there anything better than sitting on a bench, 
knowing you're in no rush?
As always, I've already plotted a few social events and occasions into my diary and onto the calendar so poor Steven doesn't get left behind (it's no wonder he can't keep up..), but I'm plotting them with care. I'm taking each month into consideration as a whole, not living week by week. If one major event that involves travel or people coming to stay is happening in a month, then that's it. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, then I embrace a slower pace.

There were many elements that I loved about 2019, not least the places that I got to see and the people I got to see them with. With a few empty days between New Year and the start of a new term, I've enjoyed slow wanderings closer to home. Yesterday it was a new stretch of the Thames Path from Kingston to Richmond with the sun on my back, and today it was to and from Wimbledon with the sun in my eyes (all in the name of Vitamin D).

Got to love a line of Cormorants.

Was I wearing sensible footwear? Me? Never.

Relief for my tired tootsies when familiarity was in sight!

Tomorrow looks equally as quiet as the past few days. Perhaps we'll make time for a dog walk before the return to reality on Monday. Slowly, I'm ready to make my way into another New Year.