Sunday 6 February 2022

Back to Brighton

Last time we were in Brighton was February 2020. We saw Bombay Bicycle Club at the Brighton Centre, and had a generally very lovely weekend. We were lucky to get away again before the first Lockdown; to Norwich for another gig (Blossoms this time) at UEA. Then disaster struck. I just hope we haven't jinxed anything this time.

It was cold. It was windy. So very windy. But the sun shone, and we've been drifting in and out on our journey back because we definitely got our fill of sea air.

First stop, just like last time, was to The Pond where we're always very pleased by the beer selection, and also enjoy the Bao served up alongside said beers. Full of beer and bao, we made our way to our home for the night in the hopes of dropping bags and getting our bearings.

We'd booked a room with a sea view in a small guesthouse in the Kemptown area. The other end of the seafront to where we'd stayed previously, but still within walking distance from the Brighton Centre.

After dropping our bags, we took a detour along the seafront before heading via our favourite little Swedish shop for salted liquorice, and back into town to the Lanes. Time flies when you're having fun, and by the time we'd mooched a while, it was time for food again. Found ourselves at Dead Wax Social advertising beer, vinyl, and pizza on the chalkboard outside. By this point, I was popping the Rennies (aahh, travel stress, how I've missed thee), so didn't partake in the beer, but pizza courtesy of Decked Out Pizza was delicious!

Just about gave into the urge to nap when we got back again to our room. Quick turnaround, and we were back out (this time avoiding the seafront, and the worst of the wind which by this point could only really be described as 'getting a little bit ridiculous') and headed for the Brighton Centre. This time, to see The Kooks and The Snuts supporting their anniversary tour.

Safe to say, 15 years since their first album, the Kooks have still got it. Was a fairly bittersweet feeling watching them from the comfort of seats in the balcony (you have no idea the relief I felt when I opened our tickets the night before and saw the word SEAT at the top (or maybe you do..)); lots of nostalgia combined with lots of wishing 15 years wasn't so long ago. We were in good company. There was definitely a 'type' for the most part in the crowd.

Blown back along the promenade to our hotel, we were glad of a cup of tea (gosh we really are old) before bed.

This morning, we found brunch at a little café a 5 minute walk (uphill - what is it with Brighton and all its hills!?) from where we were staying. Good food, good drinks, good music, good atmosphere. 

Were a little worried by lashings of rain while we sat, but actually by the time we had checked out of our accommodation and were out and about on the seafront again (of course), the sky was clearing and even the wind had died down.

A walk along the beach to the old pier was the perfect way to start a Sunday. Even a fall on the rocks (so smooth, obviously) didn't detract. 

Back to the Palace pier, we enjoyed losing all of our 2p coins on the Tuppenny Falls, and a couple of games of Air Hockey. Grabbed a bag of donuts as we left and made our way to catch our train.

Arrived at the station with plenty of time for a Bagelman and to find some semi-decent seats for the first leg of our journey.

Since then, we've had a rather long wait in a carpark at the back of Three Bridges station for a coach which took us along leg two to the sounds of Al Stewart on BBC Radio Sussex. Almost nearing the end of leg three, and looking forward to comfy cosies and cat cuddles (how's that for some alliteration?).

Thankful today for train journeys long enough to allow the creative juices to flow. Hopeful today for a few more ventures out of London this year. We'll see.

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