Tuesday 13 November 2012

Baltimore's Fireflies

Went all the way to Norwich just for a haircut – had reached point of absolute desperation! As much as I hate the never-ending X1 bus journey, there is getting to be something oddly nostalgic for me about my trips as I sit on the upper deck right at the front to watch the world go by (or rather to enjoy the sight of my own reflection for 2 hours when the dark sets in). Of course by my return journey it was pretty nippy, so the bus was massively steamed up upon its arrival to pick me up and take me home. Initially, at the sight of the steamed up windows I couldn't stop thinking how unhygienic it must be but in fact once I’d forgotten about the germs circulating their way around me, eventually I found myself mesmerised by oncoming lights in the misted window.

So many tracks I can’t stop listening to at the moment and I love how some music suits certain times of year so well. In fact I think the songs that I can’t stop listening to in the winter are the best for me, because they make the cold and dark outside seem that much more cosy. Take this for instance, now in its third year of repeatrepeatrepeat on Laura’s iTunes. Started playing it again as soon as there was a slight chill in the air,

There’s nothing better than sitting on a bus or a train with noise cancellation headphones in at night when the acoustic suddenly sounds that much better and you’re in your own little world. Music's playing in your ears, hopefully the road but perhaps your reflection is ahead of you, you're wrapped up in everything warm you have with you, and there's an impending sense of excitement at the thought of home and bed (if you're like me you might even be doing a little bus rave, blaming it on the bumps in the road and the swaying of the top of the bus when you suddenly remember that there are in fact passengers behind you). The X1, oncoming lights through misted windows, and Woodkid’s Baltimore's Fireflies made for a pretty content Laura, even if it was the last bus.

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