Thursday 22 November 2012

My name is Laura and I am a ring addict.

Back to Norwich for a few weeks in the early hours of tomorrow morning, and although the thought of bare cupboards and having to look after myself again is less than appealing, I must admit I just got a little excited for my return – though perhaps not for the right reasons.
My name is Laura and I am a ring addict.
It’s a problem I’ve been ‘struggling’ with for a few years now, and the collection has almost reached 200 – I mean obviously I wouldn’t call it a problem, or be concerned with any struggling! But according to my friends, and one in particular who every year threatens to send me to RA (rings anonymous) I’m a cause for concern. However, they do say the hardest part is admitting it, and I am fully aware of the situation... as is my purse, currently also struggling with my vintage bag and jumper addiction, CD buying and other general shopping wants. While at home I’ve only been in the company of a selection of ‘school appropriate’ rings. This selection consists mainly of those that aren’t too sharp, pointy, huge, or generally a health and safety hazard, so I just got VERY excited at the prospect of being reunited with the rest of my collection (I MISS MY ELEPHANTS)!

Finished my block placement today, hence the return of the knuckle-dusters, and we received a lovely send-off from the children and the staff – even got myself a rather nice pot plant. Only three weeks left of uni and Norwich until we return for the last week of term and the lead up to Christmas. Very excited for school play performances, school Christmas dinner and of course the overabundance of glitter! So beyond the ring collection, quite excited to be back for a few weeks of nice wintery things; late night shopping in the dark with the Christmas lights overhead, lots of food in cosy places with friends, and mulled stuff. 

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