Saturday 19 January 2013

A rather wintry week

It’s been a rather wintry week consisting of a whole lot of cosy nothingness. But you’ll be pleased to know that nothing holds me back from a good ramble!

My favourite thing about this time of year (as irritating as it is) is the way the sun makes no appearance all day, then as soon as it sets, the clouds clear and the most stunning sunsets appear. I’ve been at home for the week on yet another school placement, and the view of sunsets from my bedroom window takes some beating. Of course upon my return home, we headed straight to the beach where we were greeted by yet more beautiful skies. I really can never believe how much the landscape has changed since I was a little whipper snapper racing around the rock pools and not playing ‘too close to the cliffs’. We thought we’d walk along from New to Old Hunstanton for a change, but there was literally no sand left so we ended up clambering across endless rocks in the most undignified manner (mother with her large mustard handbag, quite a sight)!

The evening before I was met straight from the bus and whisked off in the back of the car to a family friend’s house. The family friend in question has always been like another grandparent to my brother and me and she lives in the Fens in the middle of the sticks. I have many happy childhood memories there; having picnics in the motor home and driving a tractor around the garden with my brother in a handmade trailer on the back are a couple of favourites! She’s a little eccentric so nowadays visits are like going back in time as nothing has changed. I love the fact that we still have exactly the same tea every time we visit; the savoury course with bread and butter, salmon, a handful of crisps, salad (loosely) and the same M&S tomato pasta salad, then the sweet course with the lemon meringue pie, the torte and a fruit cake, followed by the other sweet course with the Battenberg, caramel chocolate bars, and French Fancies. Tea followed by a game of Scrabble Cards or Rummikub and forever keeping a close guard on feet in case the cat decides to play with them, what a treat!

Other highlights of my week include a trip to Norwich Arts Centre in torrential snow to see Daughter supported by Lay Low. The bus journey was like being on a 3D ride at a funfair as the snow pummelled the windscreen – scary! Of course they didn’t disappoint, I’m now even more excited for the album. Was very surreal though, had to wear my wellies due to my lack of appropriate footwear for the weather conditions, and the audience was the most attentive audience I have ever experienced at a gig – apparently I’m not the only person whose love for Elena stuns me into silence (she did in fact promise her hand in marriage to the entire audience). Tuesday I met up with old friends, which is always so much fun. I say old friends but we do see each other periodically, just very rarely as a three so it was quite special. There was lots of food, laughing, inappropriateness and drinking soft drinks... showing our age we wonder? Then it was Little Bro’s birthday this week, so we had Chinese and watched Fawlty Towers with his friend who raids our fruit bowl like he’s part of the family... Present from me this year was a rather large supply of Percy Pigs. Best sister award? 

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