Sunday 6 January 2013


Oddly enough, when I visited UEA before I started applying to universities, I was convinced I wouldn’t be attending because it was just too grey and dull. Four years later I’m still here and still loving the campus, even if it is dull and grey. I dread to think how many people I have forced into going ‘for a wander’ with me in the past come rain or shine, snow or thick fog, and yet the novelty still hasn’t worn off. Of course home has the beach which will always triumph, but the wonderful thing about Norwich is how the lake, the river, things in fields and so, so many rabbits are within walking distance. The hill, the back of the Village, Eaton Park, the walled garden at the law school in Earlham park, the bluebell woods, the horse and donkey sanctuary, just a few favourite haunts. I always feel a little silly wearing my wellies en route to walking destinations because of course I do live in a city (admittedly a city in Norfolk). However I can always be secure in the knowledge that where I’m going, there will be mud!

Today the winter caught me out. I still don’t think I’ve quite grasped just how early it gets dark, so at half 3 (bearing in mind sunset was due to be at 5 to 4), iPod at the ready, I decided to venture out! – The Burgh Island EP was the soundtrack today, it really is too lovely.

Thick fog meant it was already feeling pretty dark by the time I left (although in true British style I must comment on how mild it was for the time of year!) and I admit I got a bit wimpish and chickened out of venturing too far (plus I wasn’t actually equipped with wellies for any muddy encounters). Instead, a circular wander in the direction of campus – destination: cash-machine-with-the-ability-to-produce-a-statement-in-the-hope-that-it-would-tell-me-I-had-money (how very exciting). It did not.  The problem with making New Year’s resolutions before the New Year is that you think you’ve got a neat little achievable list, and then you add to it. Because I’ve decided that I definitely need to get back into my wandering – somewhere along the road that was third year I lost any form of energy that would get me further than downstairs to the kettle and back up again with cup of tea in hand – but then I suppose this one can come under ‘Stop being so lazy!’? I must confess that wandering alone is not quite as satisfying as wandering with poor, unsuspecting friends. Nevertheless I would hate to waste the opportunity, especially when Ben Howard is playing in my ears, and the ‘countryside’ really is, right on my doorstep. 

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