Thursday 30 April 2015

Waiting for payday

Tomorrow I finally get paid. It feels like forever since the last payday as this month saw several hefty outgoings and left me without any spending money over the past few weeks.

Fortunately I did make an incredibly pleasant discovery which got me through the latter half of the month. Turned out my contactless card for my student account still had actual money on it so I have at least been able to travel to and from work (yippee!). Usually topping up my Oyster is the one expense I can't avoid!

For the first time since I arrived in London I do have savings though! Pretty strict with myself when I really want to be, I refuse to dig into it, so I have basically become a hermit.

Over the past few weekends, in my bid to avoid spending I have become a master in the art of pootling; taking it slow, getting stuff done at a relaxed pace while enjoying music discovery/re-discovery. Many evenings have been whiled away on Netflix and iPlayers or in the company of books before bed (in addition to this saving malarky, I'm also half-attempting to cut back on screen time straight after and before bed in the hope that it might improve my sleep).

I have been taking pleasure in the little things. Tuesday nights pre-choir I've made an attempt to explore the City en route to feel as though I've at least had some adventure in my week! The weekend just gone was particularly special as we finally sorted out our little London garden! It is officially looking like a proper garden and I can't wait for sunny weekends and warm evenings so we can sit out and enjoy it! I did also manage to spend last Friday night doing something other than my laundry and or tackling the mountain of washing up that grows over the course of a week as I had pre-booked tickets to the Magnificent Obsessions exhibition at Barbican which proved highly intriguing, positively puzzling and thoroughly entertaining all at the same time.

Fingers crossed this month brings with it a few less expensive hurdles (although I am fully aware that the yoga membership I am going to treat myself to will hardly come cheap... all for a good cause!) I wish myself luck, especially as the bank holiday weekend looms.

In the meantime, Instagram is always there to make me feel like I'm doing something with my days...

A welcome duck pond (complete with fish) where I sat to eat before choir one Tuesday.

Days spent at home tend to be those where I dress the most impractically... got to get my kicks somehow!

I also spend far too much time 'organising'. Pretty happy with my little Norfolk corner though, I must say!

Another Tuesday, another lovely spot for food. Guildhall in all its glory.

Revelling in the artistic talents of a 6-year-old.

I would love to live in Barbican.

Filled with pride; our little London garden!
I even got the oboe out for a honk. Desperate times?

At least dog walks on Wimbledon Common are free. (Just wanted an excuse to show off my new wellies really...)

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