Monday 30 July 2018

Drawn to the water

Yesterday we officially made the move South of the river. Despite my protestations and love for the North, a new job calls for a new location.

The last two days have been spent ferrying a surprising number of boxes back and forth between Seven Sisters and Southfields and today I found myself in a pre-pay day lull so decided to do some exploring of the local area.

When I met Steven, Southfields was his stomping ground, and his family are still here, so the area's (especially the dog friendly parts) not all that unfamiliar but I don't need an excuse for a wander, and I wanted to familiarise myself as a local!

Productivity consisted of a drop-in at the gym to enquire about membership, and cashing a couple of cheques that have been knocking about in my purse since my birthday (yippee for summer holidays and my bank a mere 13 minute walk away) then I deviated when I saw signs for 'Riverside Walk'..

Before I knew it, the River Wandle met The Thames and I was wandering along the Thames Path. I'm so excited to be so close to water and birdlife, and a small escape from the hustle and bustle that London can otherwise bring. Once on the path, my headphones were off and I appreciated the peace and quiet, and occasional honk from a Canada Goose. Despite persistent cloud cover and fairly strong winds, I followed the path all the way up (or maybe down?) to Putney, resting occasionally along the way to look over the water.

Back home, I popped into the yoga studio that I'd spotted earlier from my bedroom window (so much excitement!) to grab a class schedule, then made my way back to the sofa with a cup of tea where I sit now to write.

There are many things to do and places to see that have been on my South London list for a while. I can't wait to get ticking them off!

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