Sunday 9 September 2018

Staycation Summer

One week in, and the summer holiday already feels like a lifetime ago. I've settled quickly into new routine and am finding lots to feel positive about at the start of a new academic year.

Moving house this summer, time and money were not on our side but the move was an adventure itself and kept us plenty busy. Instead of going away this year, we found entertainment in the Great British sunshine (and rain), and I, of course, went on lots of exploratory wanders.

Several of my days were spent wandering the Thames Path both alone, and in a more sociable manner. I found lovely pubs, walked along the shore, admired many a bridge and garden, and discovered the London Heliport (great excitement) as well as a few quieter spots for sitting and reading.

After all the glorious sunshine at the start of the holidays, of course the heavens opened as we made our way home for a long weekend. Still we managed to enjoy a day of board games and endless cups of tea, a coastal walk and picnic on the beach just before the rain came again, and a game or two of Boule in the garden before we were off to Norwich where the sun returned in all its glory. In Norwich, we spent an evening with Lorna and James enjoying good food and good drink, then headed to the Norfolk Broads for an afternoon revelling in nostalgia and the slowest pace of life as we pootled along on a day boat.

After our Kent Coast experiences, we thought we'd try Dorset for a beach day instead and had a magical day in Tyneham Valley where we wandered around a village abandoned in World War II, and walked down to a relatively hidden, and totally beautiful bay where we then spent the day snoozing, reading, picnic-ing, and splashing in the sea.

I last (and first) visited Kew Gardens for my birthday a couple of years ago. That was in the Spring, and I always said I'd like to go back for a different season. Admittedly the best of the summer had passed by the time Jess and I arrived this time, but it was great to see the Temperate House now it's reopened, and I absolutely loved the sense of escapism in the Kitchen Garden.

With the final week of the holidays upon us, Steven and I decided to spend a couple of days away in Rye. Like with Kew, I visited a couple of years ago so it was nice to return with a slightly different agenda. The sun shone for us this time, and we had a lovely walk through fields of sheep to Camber Castle before enjoying an evening of beer and burgers. The next morning we awoke to torrential rain, but decided not to let it deter and made for Hastings where, by the time we arrived, the rain had subdued, and we had fun exploring the Old Town and the castle there.

Last weekend I headed to Bath for the first time in far too long where myself, Nic, Jess and Sam ventured to Cheddar Gorge for walking and catching up (between gasps for breath as we heaved our way up sheer hillside).

When September comes, it's always a time for new beginnings, and so far I'm really enjoying a new home, new routine, and meeting lots of new people. Bring on the PSLs, falling leaves and cosy, candle-lit evenings. A jam packed summer has definitely left me very ready to embrace the Autumn!

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