Sunday 17 January 2021

Not making resolutions in January (or am I?)

I'm starting out here not really sure what I want to write about. All I know is that I want to write. Because it's been a while! Well, and I'd quite like to use a laptop for something other than Google Classroom if only for a short while.

Have I been up to much? Not really. Have I been thinking much? Probably too much. So there is a danger that this could all turn rather philosophical, which I would quite like to avoid as I'm sure we've all got our own philosophy to be preoccupied with without having to take someone else's on board!

Usually in January I kick off with a resolutions post. Even when I've had no resolution, writing this post has been my tradition now for the past eight years. So this year it felt strange not to launch into one on New Year's Day, but it also didn't feel right to do so. Having spent the last year having no clue what was going on or where I would be or who with, I thought this year I'd just stick to taking every day as it comes. Which perhaps is a resolution in itself? But after last year's resolution being met with minimal effort on my part (yeah, thanks Covid, I guess you'll take care of my 'slowing down'), I'm reluctant to formalise anything this year for fear that it will take an unexpected turn again.

I must confess that in contrast to last January where I was all for finding the light, this year I've definitely been in hibernation mode since Christmas (probably before that if I'm really being honest with myself). I'm definitely getting better at not feeling guilty if I've not been particularly productive when I'm not at work (I've said it before, and I'll say it again; we could all learn a lot from cats). 

So one thing I have resolved to do is to set an alarm at the weekends. While I am all for listening to my body and sleeping in until I wake naturally around 10am; on these occasions, it's midday before I know it and the sun is setting not long after that. I want to make more of my days whether that's a day in or out. Especially in the winter!

Yesterday, I went for my first proper walk this year and it was so good to get outside beyond the route to and from school, and especially to see some sunshine! We made our way around a bit of Bushy Park (there's just so much of it to cover) and then along the river a little way from Hampton Court. The last time we'd been in the area was early Autumn in that strange time where it was ok to meet a small group to enjoy a brunch at 'socially' distanced tables, popping your mask on whenever you weren't seated. The leaves were falling from the trees, and it was rutting season. Yesterday, the trees were bare, and the stags quietly sharing hay from a bale. An Egyptian Goose was fiercely guarding her four little floofs. For nature, life goes on.

I've decided I'd quite like to return to Bushy Park February-March time when the green tufts of bulbs that were beginning to break through the mulchy ground will reveal themselves fully, and when a few more Camellia may have blossomed.

It was only recently that we discovered how easily Richmond Park can be reached on foot from home (don't worry, Boris, this is all very local exercise) so really we should make more of that knowledge, then, and I think that we will. But we're still making the best of those lazy days, too. 

I'm definitely getting better at not feeling so guilty when I don't do something productive every day whether it be week day, weekend, or holiday. It's funny the things it's taken a pandemic to truly reveal to me. I can talk the talk, but only recently have I begun to walk the walk. I've appreciated the value of rest, I've been more spontaneous (totally out of my comfort zone as an INFJ), I've made the most of each day often in really small ways. None of this in a forced way, I hope, but with gratitude.

Going ahead into 2021 with little to no plans, but I'm still looking forward to whatever awaits me! 

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